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About HLI

Our Story

The Beginnings of HLI

  1.  Hispanic Leadership Initiative (HLI) was birthed out of the hearts of many Teaching and Ruling Elders from churches in the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) in 2009. As leaders gathered in Dallas, Texas, they began to sense a great opportunity to serve the fast-growing and rapidly-changing demographic within their communities. After many prayerful meetings between leaders of the Southwest Church Planting Network and Park Cities Presbyterian Church, HLI was born..

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Our Vision

The Vision at HLI is to see the multiplication, renewal, and mobilization of Hispanic gospel leaders in the United States. 


Over the past ten years, and through God’s blessing and strategic partnerships with presbyteries, churches, and ministries, HLI has grown significantly. But we have only scratched the surface and look forward to seeing how God will lead us in serving Christ's Church in the coming years.


In Hispanic Protestant Churches, only 22% are Bilingual. 


35% of churchgoers in Hispanic Protestant churches are under the age of 30.


58% of churchgoers are first generation Hispanics.


50% of Hispancis Protestant Churches are in large cities.

Our Mission

Our Mission is to channel Kingdom resources, such as prayer, relationships, and finances, to develop Hispanic gospel leaders and gospel congregations that self-propagate through multiplication, renewal, and mobilization.

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We help leaders and churches develop new generations of native Hispanic leaders and local congregations. 

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We help current Hispanic leaders obtain and pursue ongoing ministry renewal for themselves, their families, and their visions for ministry. We want renewal for the heart, soul, & mind. 

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We help mobilize nextgen leaders through scholarships, internships, and apprenticeships. We invite them to help us grow and adapt for the needs of the newer generations. 

Our Ministry Focus

Serving the future church by developing future gospel leaders.



 Serving the church now by investing in the restoration of current leaders: spiritually, emotionally, and relationally.


Serving the Church by resourcing and mentoring current students and new leaders in apprenticeships that will pursue vocational or convocational ministry. 

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PO Box 42933

Charlotte, NC 28215


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