Apprenticeships, Internships, &

We serve the church by resourcing and mentoring current students, interns, and apprentices who will pursue vocational or convocational ministry.
We help mobilize next gen leaders through scholarships, internships, and apprenticeships. We invite them to help us grow and adapt to the needs of the newer generations.
Meet Many of the Apprentices, Interns and Scholarship Recipients
In our last ten years, we have been able to both encourage and support men and women to grow in their skills as gospel leaders, through partnering with campus ministries (such as Reformed University Fellowship and others) and with local churches, allowing these individuals to learn practical ministry skills within the Hispanic community.
HLI has raised and given over $650,000 in scholarships, internships and paid apprenticeships.

Mariana Meraz
RUF Intern
Houston, TX​
Mariana was born in Durango, Mexico, grew up in Arizona and currently resides in Houston Texas. She graduated this past May 2024 from the University of Houston with a Bachelor's in Nutrition and Fitness. Since RUF played a significant role in her life during her time at the university, she is now pursuing the RUF internship to share the Gospel with college students at the University of Houston.

Juan Rodriguez
RUF Campus Associate
Charlotte, NC
Juan's hope, dream, desire and vision for RUF UNC Charlotte is to cultivate a lasting love for Jesus Christ and the Church in the lives of students at UNCC. The mission of RUF UNCC is to reach students for Christ by sharing
the love and hope of Jesus, and equip them to serve each other, the campus, and the local church.

Gabriel Garcia
HLI Apprentice
Gabriel decided that he wanted to be an intern for Reformed University Fellowship (RUF) because he wanted to tell students at the University of Houston about Jesus. Gabriel has now completed his two-year RUF internship and felt God's call to ministry. He has since enrolled in an M-Div degree program at Reformed Theological Seminary.

Kimmy Mota
RUF Staff
Kimmy was a part of Reformed University Fellowship (RUF) all four years of college and took on multiple roles throughout her four semesters. Kimmy wanted to continue serving RUF in Houston and decided to serve as a two-year RUF intern. She has sensed God's call to continued campus ministry and has been accepted as a permanent RUF Staff member at the University of Houston campus.

Alberto Paredes
Intern at Christ Covenant
Charlotte, NC
Alberto and Laura Paredes came to Charlotte, NC, in 2019. He obtained a Master of Divinity degree with a church planting emphasis, and a Master of Arts in Theological Studies degree. He is currently undergoing a PhD in Theology and Religious Studies at the University of Cambridge. Laura graduated from RTS with a Master of Arts in Christian Counseling degree. Alberto interns at Christ Covenant PCA, and is assisting José Portillo at the Vive Charlotte church plant. Alberto has written and published numerous articles, series, and sermons for Spanish-speaking people.
David Trejos
Intern at Vive Charlotte
David has served in pastoral ministry for over 25 years as a ministry worker, and then as a pastor in the Presbyterian Church of Colombia. He graduated from Seminario Teologico Reformado in Colombia. Now he is finishing his Master’s degree from Southern Baptist Seminary. He is currently serving with Vive Charlotte Church, in Charlotte, NC, helping bring the gospel message to the fast-growing Hispanic community in North Carolina.

Paty Glory
Seminarian at Covenant
Paty holds a Bachelors degree in Spanish with a minor in ESL. She did the Reformed University Fellowship internship for two years at the at the University of Texas in San Antonio, TX and is currently obtaining a Masters in Biblical and Theological Studies at Covenant University.

Angelina Francis
Angellina Francis was born and raised in Southern California. She became a believer at the age of 17 and later got a degree in Psychology with a minor in Addictions. After her husband completed his MDiv from Westminster California they moved to New York City to serve at Lehman College, a predominantly Latino and black campus in The Bronx, where she works as Campus Staff for RUF. She currently attends Redeemer East Harlem and is on staff as their Children’s Ministry Assistant.

Sebastián Ábalos
RUF El Paso
Sebastian is currently obtaining a Masters in Divinity at Covenant Theological Seminary and an intern with RUF in El Paso, TX. He serves in his church, New City Fellowship, as a Worship Music Director and a deacon.

Colton Gonzales
RUF San Antonio
Colton is an intern with RUF at San Antonio and currently attends Trinity Grace Church. He grew up in the Rio Grande Valley in South Texas, and is married to Viviana. He plans on pursuing a seminary degree in the near future.

Giovanny Peña
Pastoral Intern at El Buen Pastor
Dallas, TX
Gio is currently obtaining a Masters in Divinity at Reformed Theological Seminary at Dallas, TX. He attends el Buen Pastor PCA where is serves as the Youth Director and ESL Teacher.

Christopher Barret
Executive Pastor at Pinelands PCA
Cutler Bay, FL
Christopher is currently obtaining a master degree in Pastoral Leadership from Birmingham Theological Seminary. He is a member of Pinelands Presbyterian Church in Cutler Bay, FL, where he serves as a Ruling Elder and recently came on staff as an Executive Pastor. He hopes to finish seminary this 2024 and become ordained as a PCA Teaching Elder.

Daniel Pollorena
PhD Student​
Daniel is a PhD student and candidate at the University of Vienna. His research focus is on the New Testament.
Antonio Maldonado
Antonio Maldonado is a pastor and student at Seminario Presbiteriano de Mexico.​

Juan Morales
Houston, TX
Juan graduated from Louisiana Baptist University and Seminary with a bachelor's degree in Biblical Studies and is currently pursuing a master's degree in Biblical Studies with a pastoral focus at SWBTS. He attends Champion Forest Baptist Church in Houston, TX. There he serves with his wife, Stephanie Morales, as a life group leader with single young adults between the ages of 25-35. God has placed the burden on their hearts to serve the Hispanic community especially with young adults. They see a great need to teach the word of God well which has led him to seek more preparation in seminary.

Julio Rodriguez
Pastoral Intern at Christ Presbyterian
Houston, TX
Julio is currently obtaining a Master of Divinity at Reformed Theological Seminary in Houston, TX. He works for Christ Presbyterian Church of Huntsville helping Rev. Juan Carlos Martinez with CPC Huntsville’s effort to church plant in The Woodlands, Texas.
He helps with the student and young adult ministry.

Arnold Lavaire
Pastoral Intern
Iglesia Hispana Sycamore
Arnold and Jesse Lavaire have now been in Richmond, VA, serving and working part-time as a professional counselor as a Church Planting Pastoral Intern at Iglesia Hispana Sycamore. During that time, Arnold has been licensed by the James River Presbytery (PCA)

Marcos Zapata
Pastoral Intern Christ the King PCA
El Paso, TX
Marcos is married to Erika and have one daughter, Ariana. He is currently obtaining a Licenciatura en Teología (Bachelor's in Theology) at San Pablo Seminary. He attends Christ the King PCA in El Paso, TX where he is the Director of Worship and Spanish Ministries. He's grateful for HLI for their faithful support in helping him bring the Gospel of Jesus to the Hispanic community