Dear friends and supporters of HLI,
Earlier this year, HLI’s Executive Director, José Portillo, shared about the impact of a seemingly insignificant lunch bag in the hands of the Lord. The Lord is in the business of multiplying what we may feel to be small efforts, small gifts, insignificant resources. Yet too often, we forget that He is the One who owns the cattle on a thousand hills and that all the world belongs to Him. We forget that He does not need any of our time, gifts, or resources. And YET, the Lord delights to use them for the growth of His Kingdom, and for His glory. What an incredible privilege to know that the Lord allows us to be a part of His work in bringing the Gospel into the lives of poor, needy sinners like ourselves!
How has the Lord multiplied your generous resources and our prayerful efforts to steward them well this year? Here are just a few ways:

HLI has had the privilege of serving Hispanic churches in congregations from the border in Texas, to the suburbs of Washington D.C., with various retreats, conferences, trainings, conversations of prayer and encouragement, and resources.
We have had the opportunity of coming alongside 20 young men and women, in order to help them financially and in encouragement as they study in seminary to serve the Hispanic community.
We have been able to print, publish, and gift hundreds of greatly-needed Spanish resources for pastors, lay-leaders, and their staff. These include:
Translated works of authors like Ed Welch and Paul Taughtes;
Núcleo de la Fuerza Cristiana (a guide in the basics of Reformed Christianity, translated by José Portillo):
El Evangelio (Foundations), from the Cántaro Institute
Also some original works from our community, like Hay Que Cruzar la Calle, by William Portillo.
We have continued to see our work in the US spill out as an international blessing in training and encouraging pastors and lay-leaders both in the United States, as well as in El Salvador, Colombia, and Bolivia, through the program of Multiplicadores.
We have begun work on producing a new podcast in Spanish, discussing relevant topics from a Biblical foundation and an immigrant heart for ministry.
We have had the privilege of supporting and encouraging two future Hispanic, bilingual seminary professors teachers (Alberto Paredes & Daniel Pollorena) as they pursue PhD studies in Oxford and Vienna (respectively).

For as many things as the Lord has allowed HLI to do this year, we believe that the Lord is leading us to even more areas of ministry in the near future. By God’s grace, we have several in-roads for partnering with more evangelical and reformed seminaries to offer several full-ride scholarships and internships for Hispanic students. We are also in the process of vision-casting for a sustainable, low-cost, high-impact church planting strategy within the Hispanic-American community, called Capillas Reformadas. We are also continuing to study the demographic and needs of the growing Hispanic-American population, and are seeking to gather and disseminate more print and audio resources for the growth and encouragement of the Hispanic church.
We trust that the Lord will continue to provide for every need for HLI and for the Hispanic-American church as we seek to follow His guidance and direction. We also know that He will continue to multiply each of your gifts and dollars, as we seek to use them for His glory and the expansion of His Kingdom. This Giving Tuesday, would you consider including HLI in your year-end giving, either as a new donor, or even in additional giving? Please join us in giving thanks for the many ways the Lord has been at work, and continue to pray for the Lord to use and bless the ministry of HLI, not for our benefit, but for the multiplication and expansion of His Kingdom within the Hispanic-American community and beyond.
Here’s how you can give:
Online: [click here]
Hispanic Leadership Initiative [HLI]
PO Box 42933
Charlotte, NC 28215
Humbly in Christ,
José Portillo & the Board of Hispanic Leadership Initiative
